About Us

About Baw Baw Latrobe

Our Vision

Every young person in our local communities is engaging in learning or employment. Every young person is aspiring to a successful future.

Our Mission

Leading innovation, creating opportunities and solutions through local partnerships that assist young people to engage in learning and employment.

Our Purpose

To guide communities to positively connect and support young people to become effective members of community.

Our Goals

Our Priorities & Initiatives

Goal One

We will be a focussed, sustainable organisation that builds community capacity through leadership, brokering partnerships, and advocacy.

Our work will be informed by research and evidence and be responsive to the local needs of our users:

  • Young people;
  • Schools;
  • Tafes, RTO’s and Universities;
  • Local business and industry; and
  • Other community organisations.


Our Priorities

  • The work of the LLEN takes a place based approach.
  • The LLEN is recognised regionally as the major supporter of young people.
  • Advocacy at the local, state and federal level to ensure sustainability and continuity of the LLEN.
  • Review BBLLLEN Governance and Operating model to ensure continual improvement, relevance and responsiveness to the needs of the organisation and users.
  • Ensure and maintain appropriate organisation capacity.
  • Form strategic alliances with local organisations in the LLEN network to increase the reach of the LLEN’s work and build mutually beneficial relationships and partnerships.

Our Initiatives

  • Ensure the BBLLLEN has a sound understanding of the local context, drawing on evidence, which includes data, research, lived experience and local knowledge.
  • Ensure the positive reputation of the LLEN is maintained.
  • Maintain regular contact with local and federal Members to promote the work and priorities of the BBLLLEN.
  • Explore additional stakeholder engagement activities to continue to understand and meet the needs of the local community and users.
  • Seek sustainable revenue sources to support youth programs in the region.
  • Monitor and maintain effective policies and practices which sustain and improve the capacity of the organisation and meet the diverse needs of employees and users.
  • Develop strong partnerships with complementary organisations to ensure improved outcomes for young people in the region.

Goal Two

We will lead the development of approaches and provide a variety of opportunities which meet the diverse needs and interests of local young people.

We will maximise their exposure to:

  • Learning and skill development opportunities.
  • Careers and employment options, particularly new and emerging careers, industries and sectors.
  • Leadership skill development opportunities.
  • Initiatives that will enhance and support social and emotional well-being.
  • Opportunities to directly represent and present the voice of young people.

Our Priorities

  • Encourage educators and employers to engage with young people in innovative and meaningful ways.
  • Assist the community to rethink how we prepare young people for a changing world, with a particular focus on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, employment opportunities, and the health and well-being of young people.
  • Provide opportunities for all young people to gain exposure to career education and pathways; an understanding of careers options available to them; and opportunities to gain the skills they will need for the future world of work.

Our Initiatives

  • Share relevant research, data and case studies with local schools, educators and employers relevant to:
    • The future world of work; and
    • Engagement of young people industry.
  • Support and advocate for innovative and flexible responses and approaches which meet the future skills needs of young people.
  • Support the capacity of the region to provide quality, affordable vocational training that is accessible to all young people.
  • Encourage a collaborative approach to the delivery of VET in schools and training organisations.
  • Support innovative arrangements for delivery and development of future skills/needs of young people
  • Ensure the inclusion of disengaged and or disadvantaged cohorts of young people in meaningful learning and training, including
    • Young Koorie people
    • Young people form cultural diverse backgrounds
    • Young people with a disability
    • Early school leavers
    • Young people not in education, training or employment organisation

Goal Three

We will facilitate and lead our community to ensure every young person’s potential and value is recognised.

We will facilitate the development of youth voice in the work of the LLEN and elsewhere in the community.

Our Priorities

  • The decisions of the Board will reflect the views and voices of local young people.
  • Improving connections between the community and young people through engagement with employers and educators to understand the potential and value of young people, with a particular focus on how young people can bring their skills into organisations and use them in meaningful ways.

Our Initiatives

  • Gather, publish and make available relevant local and regional data, case studies and research data to support informed decision making in planning to meet the needs of young people.
  • Encourage commitment from the community to provide opportunities for young people to better participate in and be connected to community.
  • Improve the community’s knowledge of, and access to, youth services which support young people.
  • Develop and implement proactive industry engagement initiatives which provide opportunities for young people.
BBLLLEN Logo - Transparent background
Empowering young people in Gippsland.
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Contact Details
Trafalgar Business Centre:
107 Princes Highway, PO Box 415, Trafalgar Vic. 3824
© 20242024 Baw Baw Latrobe LLEN
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