School to Work

Structured Workplace Learning & Work Experience

School to Work Information

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)

Structured Workplace Learning funding is provided to 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLEN’s) across Victoria to increase access to appropriate SWL placements for students undertaking VET as part of their senior secondary certificates.

The program aims to open up more opportunities for young people aged 15 – 19 years of age to improve their skills and workplace knowledge through ‘on the job’ experience whether it be via Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) or School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships (SBAT’S).

What is SWL Placement?

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is where a student is actively participating in a workplace as a component of a formal Vocational Education Training (VET) enrolment. Students are generally studying in years 11 or 12 and undertake a SWL placement for one day a week or in blocks of one week at a time.

An SWL work placement provides students with access to facilities, equipment and the range of work necessary to develop and consolidate their skills to the level required by the course/qualification.

SWL enables students to gain specific skills on-the job or in a simulated workplace environment. The placement must be directly related to the specific units of competency/skill requirements of a VET course/qualification. The school and participating employers agree on these skills or competencies prior to the placement.

What is a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT)?

SBAT’s are a fantastic opportunity for students to work as a part time paid trainee or apprentice whilst completing their secondary education at school. SbAT’s are a great way to learn nationally recognised job skills in a chosen career.

They provide vast career prospects and provide the opportunity to complete secondary school with two certificates. Students must be at least 15 years of age to be a school based apprentice or trainee.

Statewide Online SWL Portal

The Department of Education and Training (DET) has invested in the development of an online portal. It has been designed to advertise Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) and Work Experience opportunities, allowing senior secondary students to search for opportunities that match their location and course of study.

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Trafalgar Business Centre:
107 Princes Highway, PO Box 415, Trafalgar Vic. 3824
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